
浏览量: 4922 日期: 2022-05-22 09:29:52 作者: 家居品牌网 来源:

GARCIA|开放式客厅大肆流行ing,如何搭配? 当下,说到家居装修我们会想到:摒弃传统、拒绝枯燥、年轻时尚、还有国际范。 At the moment, when it comes to interior home design ,we will think: abandon the tradition, get rid of stereotypical elements, adopt young fashion, and catch international style. 其实除了设计风格,我们首先要考虑的是空间格局的焕新,传统的客厅大多从满足家庭日常生活需要出发,几乎不会太讲究生活的居住体验。 Actually besides design style, what we should consider above all is the refresh of space layout, most traditional living rooms are primarily designed to meet the needs of family everyday routine, and hardly pay too much attention to the residents’ living experience and inner feeling. 随着生活方式与消费主导者的演变,我们开始考虑生活中的精神追求与情感需要,打破陈规的空间布局模式,客厅、厨房餐厅设计被一体化,以便增强与家人朋友之间的沟通交流。 With the evolution of lifestyle and consumption, we began to consider the spiritual pursuit and emotional needs in life, break the pattern of spatial layout, and gradually integrate living room, kitchen and dining room design into one part, in order to enhance the communication between family and friends.
